
Aging process REVERSED in human cells for first time

       Many people hope to reverse the process of aging in a bid to remain healthier and live longer. And now researchers have made a breakthrough!

       As the body ages, it loses its ability to control how genes are regulated and they gradually become more damaged until we ultimately die. A gene is activated by signals from inside or outside the cell to make a molecular message known as RNA.

       The decision on which type of ‘message’ is created by a group of around 300 proteins is known as “splicing factors”. However, as we get older the amount of splicing factors the proteins are able to make steadily decreases. Older cells are then ultimately less able to turn genes on and off to react to the environment which makes us more vulnerable to diseases which kill us off.

       However, researchers at University of Exeter, UK, have found a way to turn splicing factors back on by treating old cells with a chemical that releases small amounts of hydrogen sulfide. They were able to increase levels of some splicing factors, and to rejuvenate old human cells.

       Hydrogen sulfide is a molecule that is found naturally in our bodies and has been shown to improve several features of age-related disease in animals. But it can be toxic in large amounts, so Lorna Harries, Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics and Matt Whiteman, Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, needed to find a way to deliver it directly to the part of the cell where it is needed.

       “By using a ‘molecular postcode’ we have been able to deliver the molecule directly to the mitochondria, the structures that produce energy in cells, where we think it acts, allowing us to use tiny doses, which are less likely to cause side effects,” scientists claim.  The aging process in cells have successfully been reversed for the first time in a move which could help beat the signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

C/o: Sean Martin, published Aug 14, 2018

Your Ever-Changing Skin

Last century the life expectancy was around 50 (in general). Now it is 90! We have been granted 40-plus years of active social roles. Great, right? But how young we feel and how we are perceived are not related! Looks are very demanding. Even the aging superstars are not exempt either. Their toolbox is full of support: botox for wrinkles, fillers for sagging, Spa pampering for rested appearance, plastic surgery for eye bags and face lift, tons of posh-brand cosmetics, including professional stylists!surprise

 Apart from merciless public judgment we are our own harshest critics! Do we have to follow the suit? Why doesn't it work permanently? Can we reverse this process? Can we, somehow, turn younger every year?
  Unlike other organs, our skin is constantly exposed. Compare it to a trench coat: sliding against your clothes inside, exposed to rain and shine, automotive exhaust outside, rubbing on other objects on the subway, jammed in your backpack, pressing against the counter at the store, thrown into a chemical bath at dry cleaners... Eventually you have no other choice than to replace it with a fresh and stylish, brand-new one, correct? Can we do same with our skin?- Not yet. Scientists are still working on that wink
        What can we do, now? To fix the car a mechanic has to know how it works. Every little cog is important. We are not mechanisms. Our parts can rarely be replaced. But maintenance due to “mileage” is key. Let me “take you for a ride”:cool
      -When we are babies, our skin sheds every two weeks. It’s renewed from a yet untapped resource, gets its full nutrition, enjoys the support and looks happy.
      -Now we are a teenagers that can not understand our new body. The hormones kick in. Our skin switches on that function, too.
      -Young adults endure a lot of stress and excitement: school, peer pressure, a boyfriend, first job, friends… !
What don't we notice, is that skin slows down it's renewal cycle.
      -In our 20's  it takes already a month to grow, because there are so many new things to fight off! But the resource is still full and we recover fast, looking great!
      -Your 30's - There comes a new vortex: first important position, student debt, wedding, first apartment, pregnancy, first kids, husband instead of parents... Our skin is still holding up its end of the bargain. But the renewal cycle slows down even more. We start noticing the first consequences of responsibility - puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, sinking temples, crow’s feet around eyes and mouth, dullish skin. No big deal - that’s what makeup is for! That miraculous inner resource is still there, though running low.
      -Your 40's - This can be the peak of active social life for a lot of us. Kids’ needs come first, then it is the job, house, bills, car, PTO meetings, friends... Where are we on this list? Usually at the very bottom. Quick shower in the morning, some tooted “miracle” cream on the cheeks, and we are out of the door till night. We plop the head on the pillow and shut the eyes: quiet, at last! The skin gears up for this challenge cutting off all unnecessary to keep up with its main function - protection! Now takes almost 2 months to receive that inner support.
      -Your 50's - Change again. Finally we can pay attention to ourselves and conquer the world! Except the mirror tells us that something is not right. We exercise, diet, buy new cosmetics, sleep in - all the stuff that used to help us before, and even more. The efforts should pay off! Only our skin tells us: “Sorry, the available resources are almost down to basic needs… Support, please!” The menopause is not helping either.
      -Your 60's - By the mid-sixties we have tried it all. We have evolved beyond the “youthful beauty” bias. With grandkids smiling and hugging us despite our looks, we finally give up trying to look the same age as we feel (around mid-40's). The cells renewal slows down to over 3 months. The generous resources are depleted. The tired, malnourished, flaking skin can not even protect us properly anymore.
        Is it the end of our “ride”? Can we turn the clock back? - No. Is it possible to look same age we feel? - Yes! Our skin is a miraculous organ! A little of proper support on this life-long journey brings tangible results at every “turn”. We stay AMAZING! It's time to get the support you need to at every phase, stage and pillar of your skin health.
To your beautiful skin!
Look Younger in 3 months!
The youthful appearance of the skin is largely determined by the tone of the underlying 57 neck and facial muscles that are directly attached to the skin.
Before exercising the facial muscles mist the face, lubricating the skin. A light tonic or clean water will do.
1. "Howling Wolf"   
Jut your chin forward and hold your head moderately upwards. Press the back of your tongue firmly into the roof of your mouth repeatedly. Keep your lips closed . This tightens up all the muscles at the front of your neck and under the chin.
2. "Day-dreaming Cow"   
Jut your chin forward and turn your head (shoulders straight) as much to a shoulder as you can. Tilting your head moderately upwards move the jaw up and down ("chew"). Repeat with the other side. Improves the neck and jawline.
3. "Dove Walk"  
Jut your chin forward and hold your head straight. Stretch the neck forward as much as you can. Elevate the lower lip (this will wrinkle the skin of the chin). Hold. Bring the head straight back to the shoulder line (no lowering or tilting). Compress the lips. Hold. Repeat the sequence. This tightens up neck, jawline and chin.
4. "Scrunchie" 
Close your eyes tightly and smile. You'll feel all the muscles in the neighborhood being worked strongly. Hold the contraction for one or two seconds. This will also strengthen the muscles around the nose and mouth.
5. "Thinker" 
Place the tips of the fingers above  and close to the start and end of your brows. Press slightly downwards. Lift your eyebrows and hold. Let go. Repeat the sequence. Exercises the scalp muscles.
6. "Bunny Ears"
If a man/woman can wiggle the ears, it means that there is contraction of the muscles at the back of the head. These are the muscles to be (alternately) contracted during the scalp exercise. That also gives a pleasing lift to the eyebrows and tightens up the skin around the ears.
 Flotation Pod
Float Pod Experience
Flotation has been widely advertised on the internet as a form of alternative medicine that has a number of health benefits. Though the claims are often exaggerated and poorly-evidenced, it is a unique type of hydrotherapy.
Almost zero gravity simulation.
The average density of the human body is 0.99 kg/litre. The Dead Sea, one of the saltiest seas in the world, has a density of 1.24 kg/litre which makes swimming similar to floating. By dissolving around 800 lb of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate heptahydrate) into approximately 200 gallons of water, the solution has1.25 kg/litre density.
Regardless of the person's body type or their ability to swim one will float like a cork in about 10 inches of water, with the face and top of the body slightly poking out of the water. This extreme buoyancy helps spine and joint decompression and lymphatic flow.
Healing... or not?
A slightly warmer than your skin hypertonic 25% Epsom salt solution acts mostly as a skeletal muscles relaxation medium. Both magnesium and sulfate ions can penetrate across the skin barrier. Prolonged soaking in warm Epsom salt therefore increases their blood concentrations and throughout the system, which helps alleviate ‘rheumatic’ pains.
The pod acts as a sensory bubble, eliminating sound, light and touch. But the sense of balance and smell will be still with you.
My experience:
  1. Warm and cozy room hosting a dressing area, a shower and a big bathtub with a lid. Rinse off before climbing in.
  2. The pod reeks chlorine that is used for keeping the germs at bay. The stink is even more offensive if you shut the lid!
    The salt concentration of the Dead Sea is around 31.5% and there are no common bacteria that can survive it. Magnesium sulfate at 25% should do the same. Have the manufacturers tested that ever?
  3. Water temperature is neutral.
    Lying in the pod your chest, knees and toes are sticking out and get chilled because of the natural evaporation process. Prevents complete relaxation. Wish the temperature of the pod was ajustable to each patron's needs ("Some like it hot, some like it cold...")
  4. Head support is absent.
    Since lower part of the face is still out, your head is tilted back too far to be comfortable. Inevitably you start moving it dow and up to relax stiffness. Suggest to have an inflatable neck support to prevent the "pinch".
  5. There are 3 buttons inside: light (color change or off), music, and communication. Bird songs and green light usually help me to unwind. But choice of music is pretty limited or absent (if Wi-Fi is not strong enough).
  6. Never touch your face! Your skin is very strong and protects you from the solution. But your eyelids are much thinner and if the salt gets into the eyes or in the nose it burns!!! Try not to lick the lips either.
  7. Refrain from the floating if you have shaved or epilated any part of your body. It will burn, too.
  8. Hair... Yes, you'd rather ask if a drier is available! And remember to bring your comb and styling products.
  9. After the shower would be lovely to apply a body moisturizer and face cream.
 That was the not the most relaxing experience for me. Had to keep the lid adjar: lack of oxygen and chlorine stench. That caused the draft, getting me cold. Some machine low humming... In about 35-40 minutes I neded to toss to my stomac despite the "lack of gravity". And no, it is impossible to lye on your side ;-)
By the time I slowed my thoughts' race down, got used to the temperature and noise, the 1 hour session was over. I was not disappointed, I do not buy into the hype. I wanted the experience to sort it out.
  • I was not "walking on the clouds" after the session. I felt tired, went home and slept for a couple hours. The day was broken up.
  • I fell 2 weeks before. Right knee was deeply scraped, swallen and bruised. Left ancle twisted badly, bruised and swallen. It started healing, but the bruised areas were still swallen and it was pretty painful to walk. Next day I realized the swellings were reduced dramatically (50%) and bruised areas changed colors and shrunk (about 40%)!!! No gels, pads or exercises gave me such results before!
In a nutshell:
Is soaking in a warm dense saltwater solution pleasurable? - Yes!
Do you want to pay $80 per 1 hour in a public floatation tank? - Not me. But if you want to try it at home: Epsom salt 4 lb/gallon of water. About 60lb for the regular 15 gallon tub.